• Project Based Learning – Creating Balance

    I was heavily involved in the theater departments in my high school and college. While I loved acting, I was also extremely drawn to the light and sound booth. I was taken by our ability to use specific lighting or sound to create a mood for the set or…

  • Influence

    Video transcript provided by https://www.temi.com/So I was a little bit hesitant to choose a one word for 2021. My word for 2020 was PAUSE and I feel like the universe took that a little bit too seriously. So, I was a little bit hesitant about choosing word; I wasn’t…

  • Four Promises For Work Life In Quarantine

    I knew that working from home during a quarantine wasn’t going to be easy; I think we all did. I did not, however, set myself up for success during the first two weeks and it landed me in a pretty bad place. I worked for too many hours and…

  • Schools Out… For Spring?

    This is definitely not one of my more polished posts, but things are not feeling very polished right now. Along with every household in the nation (and world), we woke up feeling unsettled. Breaking a routine feels uncomfortable, even in the best circumstances. The loss of control sends our…

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